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"The healthcare system is very expensive, painfully slow and fragmented between providers. Dealing with insurance has become increasingly more difficult.  I have eliminated all of the red tape and created an efficient, simple, affordable system for my patients"

Dr. Steve Barrett,D.C., C.C.S.P.




A little stiff...or chronic, debilitating, day-to-day pain? No matter where on the spectrum you fall, Simple Chiropractic can help. 

For only $29, your first visit will include the exam with Dr. Barrett, a report of findings, and your first treatment.


For more information

on membership and payment plans

click here.



We are very different than other doctors. We charge much less than any other clinic for two reasons:

1.  So that all patients can afford our care. We have found that even patients with insurance often weren't able to afford the copays for care plans, let alone the deductible. 

2. So that patients can really heal and maintain great results by getting more care for less money.

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